Need a Streamer

Have a BrystonDP3. Sometimes Tital comes thru Bright side. Running into a Bryston Bda3

I Only Stream Tital/Gobuz.

Looking at Aurender N10  yes??


If you end up  with a new one be sure and compare head to head and give us your thoughts before you unload the loser.  

Poorly recorded source material, bad room acoustics, bright speakers. You can change a streamer but that’s not going to fix your problem. 

Place your speakers so the tweeters aren’t directly firing towards your ears.

+1 audphile....

and to the OP, just to clarify, you said "sometimes Tidal" comes through Bright.  Is this for just a few or occasional tracks or everything from Tidal during a time period?

lots of information to conciser,

Only way to really find out is to Borrow a great unit on loan from Hiend store out here.

Been researching archived posts and everything imaginable is covered.

The Zenith Id like to hear