HumminGuru vs.Degritter

I own the original HumminGuru record cleaning machine (not the upgraded model.). I’m thinking of buying the Degritter. Can anyone who owns both machines tell me if it’s worth the greater price?  Or, can you recommend a machine in the same price range as the Gegritter that’s better?


@bondmanp the parts availability is not very good. I have had to do my own searching for replacement parts. 


Would also agree with @daveyf . The combination of US and vac has given me the best results both on listening tests and optically looking through a high powered microscope. 

I'm going to switch from my Noisy, loud Pro-Ject vac to a HG. I have not used the Vac in over a year. For me, who only buys clean records (mostly new) to start, the HG is more than enough. 

I've owned many different rcm throughout the years. I currently have access and used my friends' Degritter II w/latest fluid and it makes my lps sound much better and quieter. It comes at a cost but I think it's a worthwhile purchase especially if you can find a good price..

@daveyf and ​​​​@johnss,  what are your procedures for combining US with vacuum machine cleaning?


@pryso   Here’s the protocol I use. Firstly, if the record is fairly new or clean, I skip the US step and just use wet vacuum. If the record is dirtier or older, and depending on condition, I will first do a US clean, always utilizing a surfactant in the distilled water and will do a three stage clean. First stage, I degauss the water, second and third, I have added the surfactant. Once reasonably clean from the US machine, I then transfer to vacuum with typically a once over with Mobile Fidelity super deep cleaner, maybe a separate rinse with enzyme cleaner ( again depending on condition ). Lastly, always replacing the record sleeve with a fresh new MoFi inner sleeve.