What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report

I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.

This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".


Bob Dylan - Blood On The Tracks (SACD)

The Rolling Stones - More Hot Rocks (SACD)


Van Morrison - St. Dominic's Preview

Title Track

"All the orange boxes are scattered
Against the Safeway supermarket in the rain
And everybody feels so determined
Not to feel anyone else's pain
No one makin' no commitments
To anybody but themselves...."