@audphile1 , thanks for the link to the Pangea . . . that would be the quickest easiest. I think in that thread I referred to I asked about if there was such a thing as an "audiophile power strip" out there, and it appears that this one would fill that bill. At the time, it was @millercarbon who suggested I break my "Promethean power Flo" back out and use it for a strip to get everything on one circuit. As far as that little unit, it is built like a brick (that was back when a lot of the stuff was built so you could alternatively use it as a weapon) and they did not make it so access to its guts would be easy. I remember back when my buddy and I both bought one (we were hoping that David Lewis Audio would give us a $ break if we both bought at the same time) they were around $600. Which back in the ’90s seemed like a lot to pay for something to plug something else into, but I was like, "Well, if it will transform my system, it’s only money, and Lord knows I have too much of that . . .".
So anyway, I think that the most logical solution is to move the outlets up about a foot and a half or so, and while I am at it, that will give me a chance to reroute the Romex a bit better where it goes down the wall. That was another reason I thought that turning the breakers to two of the circuits off and only using one circuit for all components was--I didn’t totally understand the logic behind dedicated circuits at the time and I have the Romex running too close together.
Oh, and as far as the XLO power cord, the mark down on it was incredible, so that’s why I pulled the trigger on that one.