Removing stylus from Shure V15 Type III

I have an old Shure V15 cartridge and have just ordered a Jico SAS boron cantilever stylus replacement.

I am guessing the original stylus has not been removed over the last forty years. My question is about how much force can be applied to get the old stylus out, and exactly which direction to pull in!

So far I have been gentle and unsuccessful



This harder to explain than to do.  Use thumb and forefinger of one hand to squeeze the stylus on the two stylus guard hinges, use thumb and forefinger of other hand to hold the cartridge body.  Now pull them apart, no need to be gentle.  The stylus comes straight out of the front of the cartridge body.

Thanks, I think I have been overly intimidated by the word "gently".

Worst case is I might damage the old stylus - the cartridge body looks robust enough ...