OK Audiogon, help me out please

I'm looking to upgrade my speakers from Monitor Audio Silver RX8 to either MA Gold 500 G6 or the Sonus Faber Sonetto VIII  G2. I've heard the MA's but haven't heard the SF's. Regular retail price for these are roughly $500.00 apart. Right now I can get the MA's on sale for $6300.00 vs $7500.00. Is there anyone on here who's heard both? If so, which do you prefer? Both dealers are roughly an hour from my house so it's not as easy as going around the block.


@justlance   With room dimensions of 11X11 both speakers appear too large. Have heard the SF Sonetto G2 V, a diet of Rock/Blues might not play to its strengths.

"The problem with my current speakers are they seem very bright in the mids and harsh in the upper."

So, why would you shortlist another Monitor Audio speaker if you aren't thrilled with the sound you get from the one you have now?

It's not like there aren't dozens of viable options out there.

If you don't like Malbecs, perhaps try a Pinot.

Justlance axpona will be on April 11 to 13. From Milwaukee to Scaumburg Illinois, it’s 1.5 to 2 hrs drive.Plenty of speakers you will be able to listen. Monitor Audio are not for everyone, they are good speakers. It looks like Sonus Faber are the right one for your sound preference.

11 x 11 is definitely an issue...an hour drive is quite short considering the money you are looking to spend...