good DAC under $1000

I have never used a DAC before. I always had CD players. I am looking for a DAC to run the optical output from a Blue Ray player and USB from my computer to. Any suggestions for a decent DAC in this price range?
Ag insider logo xs@2xpal
As you'd like a unit that does double duty- toslink and USB- you might want to pick up a Peachtree Nova used. I've owned a lot of Dacs, and that unit offers outstanding performance for the asking price in the used market. The Cambridge DacMagic is also great on optical, but less so via USB. An easy go to based on reputation- I haven't owned it- is a Benchmark unit used for under a grand as well. Other guys will pitch in with things I overlooked I'm sure!
Steve over at Decware just released his new DAC, check it out on his website.
I second the Havana or even the MHDT Paradisea + is pretty darn great too.