I can tell one note from another, I’ve been getting this high pitched noise in my ears and if it keeps getting louder I might not be able to hear any notes.☹️
My experience may give you some hope, but there's no guarantees. About 40 years ago I suddenly got the high pitched ringing - tinnitus - in both ears. It seemed to happen in a split second and stayed there for a couple of decades. Then I became aware that it had gone away, almost completely. It only comes back if I get very tired.
My hearing today is good enough to almost instantaneously tell that a Super Audio Compact Disk was being played back at CD quality rather than using Direct Stream Digital. This turned out to be an implementation fault in my Reavon 200 universal disk player.
My selective hearing developed way before I got married - by three years old, I had learnt to block my mum, according to the doctor.
Hopefully one day your tinnitus will disappear ...