12au7 tube?

Looking for a good 12au7 (JJ ecc802s currently). I know the Telefunken ECC802s is the holy grail, but it comes at a price that is just too steep for me to justify. Many will recommend Mullard, but I always find them a bit too "wooly", lacking in definition. They're going in a Mastersound 845 Compact.


What tubes would you recommend that fits between the clarity of the Telefunken (without the price...) and the Mullard? I don't mind spending a bit of money on a pair (let's say max $500 for the pair, prefer to be lower if at all possible).


+3 on Amperex. Sound wise it sits beautifully between Telefunken and Mullard.

Look for the 7316, the older the better.

The RCA clear tops are good.  If you can run a 12BH7a, that's my strong preference.

Brent Jesse has medical grade red or green tTelefunken that are very closed ,$450-$550 a pr I bought a pair great ,defined lots of air and neutral No mullard is close in detail ,warmer yes.