Thanks @billstevenson for the thoughtful follow up to your Luxman D-10x purchase.
I bought a D-10x one year ago, and in my research prior to purchasing it I read this thread, so it is a treat to re-read it and digest the follow up by the op.
I remember reading that the D-10x was especially good at making Redbook sound good, and I have to certainly agree with that. A lot of jazz and classical recordings from the 1990’s and 2000’s can sound amazing played by the D-10x.
I still buy cds regularly and find releases from Japan online - both Redbook and SACD - jazz and classical recordings.
The cd is not dead, and neither are the producers of superlative cd players such as Luxman, Accuphase, Esoteric etc. There is still a market for high end cd players!