Your finding that Marantz players are a little polite is a good way of describing the difference between the voicing of my SA10 and my D-10X. At least it is that way with the standard settings. It is possible to alter the sound characteristics of the SA10, though. Using your violin test, the way I might describe it is that the SA10 mimics the sound of a traditionally strung instrument, whereas the D-10X sounds like a modern tuning. Again that is alterable by changing settings for what they call "NoiseShaper," which is the digital filter, and Dither. Interestingly enough, even though the filter should not be adjusted for SACD, it can be, and dong so makes quite a difference. Fun to play with. The most important thing, though, is that the sound quality, particularly of Redbook, rivals analog and given the current price disparity that makes owning a good cd player a distinct advantage. Most of the music I am interested in is all but missing from the streaming services. Vinyl in good shape is getting more and more difficult to find and when it is found it is either in poor shape or it is crazy expensive or both. CD re-issues are becoming more widely available and at very reasonable prices. There is a reason that cd sales are on the rise.