Dumb question......why do you need a preamp?

You'd think after 50 years I would know this, but I don't. Aren't today's integrated enough?


As an Audiophile I prefer separates because it allows me to taylor my system to my personal preferences and I enjoy all the research, auditioning, purchasing, selling and enjoying individual components. I believe separates are superior for this reason alone, not to forget the better sound quality.  The search for better sound doesn’t end in this hobby!  I’m sure there are excellent integrated amps out there, but that’s no fun 😁

You really don't. In recent years, DACs or streamer/DAC combos have now included high-quality preamp stages while remaining affordable. You can connect them directly to the amp.  You just need to do your due diligence to find the right one.

The term "preamp" implies, like may other things, something that is needed prior to the main event.  In this particular case "amplification."

Preamble: something you do before you amble

Prenuptial: something that takes place before you nupt

Premature: your life as a child growing up. Waiting patiently for the "mature" part to arrive in my world.

I tried to get away without a preamp but it just didn't work for me. The fewer components you can get away with, the better I believe. My system always sounded better with a preamp. I'm using a BHK pre that I will own for the foreseeable future. I consider it end game. (for myself anyway). Good luck OP. Do what makes you happy. Joe 

You'd think after 50 years I would know this, but I don't. Aren't today's integrated enough?


OP ... yes!