@mattsca I also dismissed this DS200 as soon as I saw they don’t have any digital output. I was hoping McIntosh would release a Streamer (either with built in DAC or pure transport) that can be connected to an external DAC.
The reason is, I own a MA12000 integrated amp which has an "upgradeable" DA2 build in. The DA2 DAC sound was decent.
However, recently I bought the MCD12000 (SACD/Reference DAC), and the Reference DAC in the MCD12000 is way much better than the DA2 in the MA12000.
So I was hoping I can purchase a McIntosh streamer which will run through the DAC in the MCD12000.
Well, I will wait another year or so... maybe at that time, McIntosh will issue a Reference class streamer as either a transport only (to feed into the reference class DAC in my MCD12000
or a streamer with built-in Reference class DAC, so I can just use the balanced analog out into the MA12000 balanced analog in.