I settled on Radiotechnique in my Backert preamp. I thought they were made by Mazda but perhaps I'm wrong. They just edge out the Cifte's that I also have and which I'm pretty sure were made by Mazda.
Amperex is great too: a tad warmer, whereas Radiotechnique gives you a little more "air".
I didn't get on well with Brimars because of reliability problems but perhaps that was just bad luck.
I tried a pair of Psvane ART series a while ago and thought them the best of new production that I tried (Mullard and Gold Lion), but prefer NOS. No problems with the Psvane but two tubes in a preamp for not too long is hardly a representative sample.
Question: has anyone tried the Apos Ray 12AU7, which seems to be the new kid on the block making a few waves.