12au7 tube?

Looking for a good 12au7 (JJ ecc802s currently). I know the Telefunken ECC802s is the holy grail, but it comes at a price that is just too steep for me to justify. Many will recommend Mullard, but I always find them a bit too "wooly", lacking in definition. They're going in a Mastersound 845 Compact.


What tubes would you recommend that fits between the clarity of the Telefunken (without the price...) and the Mullard? I don't mind spending a bit of money on a pair (let's say max $500 for the pair, prefer to be lower if at all possible).



I forgot all about them.  They came on like gang busters advertising everywhere and then just stopped. I’ll be listening to hear what answers you get.

Oh and thanks for jogging my memory.😊

Hello AudioJan, came across your topic from the list that is sent to me weekly by audiogon. Saw an interest in your question about 12au7.  I’ve rolled that tube for years and have a huge inventory of the finest and best 12au7’s ever made. I didn’t read all the responses to your question but I saw many responses in which I feel were correct. I’ve found for myself that many 12au7’s can sound more transparent and revealing than other brands. Some are more musical and some more detailed. I’ve also discovered that the “holy grail” of a tube may not necessarily be the tube that sounds best in your setup even though it might be the clearest and most revealing.  When I’m looking to tweak and make adjustments to perfect my sound, I’ll try the many various 12au7’s I have in stock, (somewhere around 60-70 different brands NOS).  I happen to be bias in that I prefer older 12au7’s tubes from the 1950-1980’s. I may go through 1-10 different brands till I find the tube that sounds right even though I’m dealing with some of the very best ever made. Point is, you definitely want to begin evaluating with a great tube to hear if it’s gonna sound good but to find the perfect one for your system, you’ll need to try as many as you can. Unfortunately there’s no easy way around this. Me and my buddies have been rolling tubes for years and no-one can really tell you what will be the right tube for you in a particular component because that component is part of a complete system that all the other parts of that system  will all be contributing it’s own sound. There are forums online that specifically talk about tubes and tube types. One that I’ve used many years ago is “Tubes Asylum”.  You can put the type tube you want information on and can read many online responses to that type tube. 

@lowtubes with your expertise in 12au7 tubes, I wonder if you could help clarify something touched on here and something I’m still a little unsure of.  Regarding vintage Amperex, Mazda and Radiotechnique, generally who made what for who? I guess I could ask some of online sellers of vintage tubes but since you’re here and they’re not a clarification could also be helpful to some of the other participants of this thread.

The OS (used) Mullards I got from Andy Vintage Tube Services are fantastic, and not woolly. If you buy slightly used from Andy you can get great vintage tubes for much less than your budget. Recently I bought a quad of Rays tubes, the EL 34. They are the best new tubes I’ve heard in a long time. Their 12 AU7 might be worth trying too