logical steps up from DacMagic?

As Shazam wisely pointed out in an earlier post, I've got myself in a situation where the weakest link in my 'baby' system is my DAC:

Cullen-modified Sonos 90 >
Anti-cable coax IC >
Cambridge DACmagic DAC >
Nordost Red Dawn IC >
Jolida JD 302BRC >
Rega R5 speakers w/ Rega SC42 cables

So far, on my list to consider are:
- Bel Canto DAC2 (used, obviously)
- Benchmark DAC1 (used, non-USB version)
- Jolida's yet-to-be released tube DAC (I'm assuming a lot here)

A big part of me wants a Bel Canto DAC3, but I'm certain that would trigger a domino effect requiring the replacement of absolutely everything except possibly an IC or two. ;-) For that reason, I'd like to keep this upgrade to <$1500.

This in mind, are there other DACs that I should be trolling these pages for?
Keep your eye out for any version of Paradisea. They come up from time to time for less than the Bel Canto and Benchmark.
Try a couple different digital cables first. You should be able to hear a distinct difference between them, and this may resolve your issues. In fact, for the fun of it, take an IC and put it in acting as the digital cable. You will likely be surprised at the difference in sound. There's a lot of cables out there to try and with the right one you can hit the jackpot on sound. :)
Moving from the Dacmagic is illogical in my opinion unless you have the budget to get very serious.
Robr45, that's a great perspective. I've had the same sense - that I'm about to jump off a cliff here. Can you elaborate?