Most reputable independent tube equipment repair facilities in the US ?

Not that I need it now but maybe in the future, especially for equipment no longer supported by the manufacturer, some European or Japanese exotics, real vintage etc.

I mean, master level trustworthy technicians.

Do you know anyone ?


Bill, yes, I am in Fairfield County, CT, used to be in Westchester County, NY.

I wouldn't mind shipping, some risks, sure. Including shipping to Austin, TX.

wharfy, thank you, the name in NJ sounds familiar, but I've never dealt with them.

I raised my guy, not b/c I thought you should ship to him, but that finding someone in your backyard where you could drive the gear over makes more sense. I used to do that with Lamm--it was a long drive to deep Brooklyn from where I was in the lower Hudson Valley but I felt far more comfortable about transporting the equipment. Lamm uses wooden crates and insists on air freight for a reason. (I know people that palletized some serious cars and flew them across the globe, but tube gear-- yikes- call me paranoid). Yes, I know, original cartons and all that, but still....

I have to ship my dear Nakamichi 682ZX deck to California for service every few years and pray each time I do it. I trust only Willy Hermann with it, and he is over there.

C. Schnieder @ Holt Hill Audio in Mass. I have found no one better to work on my Con Jon & ARC tube amps. You gotta wait a bit cause he's busy, (understandable) but it's well worth it. I'm not a fan of shipping either. Too many hands all over your package, lol. Fortunate to have this tech/shop 30mins from me. Just my opinionĀ