Power cables and power conditioners

I've searched this topic, but didn't find any clear discussion of my question.  If there is one, feel free to point me to it. Otherwise, I'm curious.  Having just purchased a new amp and rearranged my cables, etc, I'm wondering if there is value in having a high end PC for my power conditioner(s).  I have Ice Age Audio Frankencables for all my gear running from the power conditioners.  Well, sort of.  I have a PS Audio PowerPlant 12 and a Panamax M5300.  My amps, streamer, preamp and sub are connected to the PowerPlant, while gear with wallworts or fixed plugs (MiniDSP EQs, cable box, old CD player) are connected to the Panamax.

In particular, I'm wondering is there a benefit to connecting the PS Audio PowerPlant to the wall with a high quality PC?  As a 'regenorator' and not a power conditioner, it is converting my house current to DC and then back to AC.. It seems to me that doing would negate the usual benefit obtained from adding a high quality power cord (but I certainly could be wrong).

And on what I presume to be the opposite end of the spectrum, it seems to me that the gear attached to the Panamax with low quality power cords would negate any benefit (if there even is one) to having a high quality power cord from the wall to the Panamax.  But, again, I could be looking at this all wrong.

Enlighten me.  Thanks.


I'll add that whatever you might think the high end power cable does to the electricity coming it, it will be totally undone by the PP12.  the PP12 rectifies the power to DC and the inverts it back to AC.  the quality of the power coming out of the PP12 is 100% a function of quality of the inverter.  The whole point of the PP12 is to be impervious to the poor quality of the incoming power.  With my bent toward physics, I achieve more satisfaction than is really warranted by comparing the shape of the power signal coming in and going out.


@mbarrett635 one inexpensive cable that I like on amplifiers is Audience Forte F3. It is better than a 14awg stock cord and I’ve run Pass X260.8 mono amps with these power cords with great results. I would recommend trying this cable before you spend more with the PP12. 

Yes, there are only subjective conclusions in the press, nothing objective I know of.  For example, I have read reviews conclusions that the Audience T series produces better system SQ with the expensive Audience First row power cable.  I will give you MHO.  Theoretically, the power conditioner will provide pure filtered power at the outpur, not requiring an expensive cord. Considering, you have a cable with an appropriate amperage rating for your application, electromagnetic radiation (EM which includes RF) will enter an interconnected system at the weakest shielded point (the weakest link principle).  That is why you should not have inferior cords and cables mixed rotting the same signal path.  So the theory is that you tax the conditioner less by introducing a better quality electrical signal to the conditioner, as indicated by the press and by the manufacturers with vested interest of course.  Practically, when I upgraded my power cords, I found little audible improvement with the cord to conditioner but substantial improvement with the digital, phono pre, and integrated amp cords.   

Apologies for typos and spelling check issues.  Reviews = review. Rotting = in.