I feel for you

I've always been extremely satisfied that I took the technical route in my career. I studied physics at the University of Chicago, Nuclear Engineering at the University of Illinois, worked as a technican at a national lab while in college, and I'm not afraid to work on anything.  I do all my work on my cars because that's the best way to know it is done right.  

And here's the point, I do just about all my own work on my audio equipment.  I'm not afraid to take a $20,000 DAC apart and modify it.  I've done mods for myself and other people.  I build most of my own cables.  I add bypass switches and extra sets of inputs. And I am very happy with the results.  

But I know there are many members here who feel totally incapable of such things.  They have never been technical. their educational background is non-technical.  They even tried to avoid math and science classes in high school and college. They assume they will never have any technical ability.  I emphasize that is their assessment of their own skills, not mine.

So I'm reading Alex Karp's new book (I highly recommend it) and he points out that in the past leaders tended to be scientists or lovers of science instead of lawyers and political science students.  Ben Franklin was a scientist first and a politician second.  Thomas Jefferson, the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, said if first love was science and politics was his duty.  As for myself, UofChicago taught me to write as well as do physics which has been very handy in my career and personal life.

So I say not only is it possible to have both scientific and literary skills, but it is natural.  I think we've fooled ourselves into thinking we have to choose one or the other.  and if you have chosen the non-technical route, there is nothing that says you can't be both.

So read up on your tube amp.  Learn what the B+ voltage is.  Get a technical friend to help you build some cables.   I have my daughter, currently an honors student in business school, soldering when she is home on break.  

The internet makes all of this easy to research.

Don't be afraid to change out the connectors on the back of your amp to an upgraded model.  it isn't hard to replace a capacitor with either a new in-kind or an upgraded capacitor.  

Finally, technical people love to help others.  Find someone around you who will help you and have some fun.  your system will benefit from it.

I'll freely admit there are people here with much more experience with technical things that I have.  I have to go get help sometimes.  That's one of the great things about the internet and forums like this.



So true. I’ve started building speakers, first from css kits and now from scratch. I tend to sell them locally or give them as gifts, and some of the design sound as good or better than commercial speakers I have that cost of thousands and thousands of dollars retail. There’s also a pretty easy upgrade of upgrading the crossover with compatible capacitors and coils as needed.

Truth might just lie in the ditch buried by hubris. Perhaps Jefferson would have done well to study truth… Sally Hemmings for those who aren’t busy banning books.

and yes, i was running a Bridgeport at 12.. designing speakers w a PET FFT at 21… designing aerospace production systems since and recently working on getting qubits to behave for a bleeding edge computing hardware and software company…

I am aware or is it humble to not confuse if you want it done right with DIY….

oh and by the way, i worked closely with a Jefferson descendant… she is from the side of the family not afraid of truth… and equity… before you make the leap, her GGF was Lucian Truscott

@tomic601 I read up on Sally Hemmings and the associated trades. Partus sequitur ventrem. Given the current politics, and its history, the nation has an intrinsically more evil side than I thought.

and of course the blind and possibly willful ignorance in this thread… U of Chicago of all places… see Enrico Fermi… and just why he and his wife fled Germany… he of course just a refugee immigrant…