Clearaudio Innovation [Wood] vs Master Innovation

I have a Clearaudio Innovation and may have an opportunity to upgrade it to the Master Innovation (Clearaudio makes a field upgrade kit for those who aren't aware). 

I heard the Master Innovation at my dealer years ago and was really quite impressed but that was long before I had my current Innovation. Has anyone started with an Innovation and moved to the Master Innovation later, or had a chance to compare side by side? I am interested in opinions and experience with that, and what you observed the Master Innovation brings to the table [heh, pun not intended]. Thanks.

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I see that no one responded to your post unfortunately. So - may i redirect your post? I am considering purchasing an Innovation. May I ask - did you upgrade and what were you looking for in the upgrade? What arm you have on your table and your overall impressions of the arm and table?  And, did you compare it with other tables before purchasing? I’d welcome feedback if you have it. 



I definitely recommend the Innovation. It's a fantastic turntable. My Innovation has two Clearaudio Universal 12" tonearms, one for mono playback, and one for stereo. If I upgrade to the Master Innovation I will continue using both tonearms.

I previously had a Clearaudio Innovation with a Universal 9" tonearm (and same stereo cartridge: Lyra Atlas SL). The Innovation is better in a every way. It has a lower noise floor and is higher mass. Performance improvements include better bass response, less noise, better soundstage and improved ability to resolve inner details through the range. It's also more dynamic and more musical overall.


Thanks for the feedback. Quite helpful.

can you clarify what model you had previously? (First sentence, second paragraph).
