Preamp advice

Hi, I am quite new to this hobby.

I currently have a MC 275 mark 6, running with Klipsch La scalas and Sansui AU9900 as preamp. I know the MC tube  preamps are a dream machine to pair with the MC 275 but i need recommendations on any other non MC solid/ tube preamps which can be used with my setup.

Always grateful for your recomendations.

Thank you


Just a comment from my experience. I have never considered anything but sound quality in choosing preamps and amps in the over fifty years I have pursued high end audio. In that time and more than a dozen preamps and more than a dozen amps never had an electrical mismatch of any kind.

@ vthokie83,

What else steered you away from the BAT VK-80 to the Mother Lode? I was just looking into the BAT very recently, as well as the VAC Renaissance MK V. Both very fine pre amps. I was surprised to see RCA's on the BAT, I thought they were XLR only. 

charliee and carlsbad2

Just back from vacation, I'll find my notes and get back to you