Anyone own the Topping e70 Velvet? I just ordered one

I have been quite happy with my Pro-Ject Pre-Box S2 since I purchased it in 2017. I acquired it mainly because it was the first halfway "affordable" MQA capable Dac. At that time, MQA was the savior of hi Rez audio, and I had to try it out. I was not impressed with MQA vs typical, well-recorded 24/96, DSD, and Apple Lossless files. I eventually canceled Tidal in favor of Qobuz and have never turned back. 

My pro-Ject is acting up a bit with the display starting to go bad, plus I want XLR outputs. 

Now, the new purchase will not be an endgame DAC. The E70v is a bridge until I can afford a much higher-end unit for my Luxman 595 anniversary integrated. My dream DAC is the Luxman DA-07x. 


With all that said, how do the owners of the Topping like their E70v? From what I've searched here, there is not much discussion on this DAC




I now have a Gustard R26 coming tomorrow. I'm looking forward to testing it out as well. If the R26 built in ethernet sounds good (roon), I have a plan for my current Ifi Zen for another system. We'll see, in my system, if the Gustard r26 is worth the extra $$$. I know the R26 and e70v are totally different kinds of Dacs. We'll see which one I will keep (hopefully the e70 V).

I streamed with my R26 using Audirvana software and the sound was really good.  There is a small monthly subscription fee, but you can subscribe month to month, so it doesn't cost much to try it. 

I cancelled the R26. Amazon and the dealer keeps delaying the delivery. I listened to my e70V over the last couple of days and its sounding wonderful. I'm not certain the R26 is $1200 better. I'll use that money toward my subwoofer update. The e70V is a very musical DAC. Much more than my Pro-ject S2.

I've heard good things about the D70 Octo. I may give it a try. The Velvet is sounding really, really good.