@roxy54 --
Interesting speakers, the MoFi’s, though I’ve yet to audition any of their models. A local dealer recently became a distributor of the brand, so I’ll go have a listen to them within shortly to get a bearing on their sound - just out of curiosity. In light of the general price range among hifi/high-end speakers I actually expected the model 888 to be more expensive given its size, appearance and rumored SQ, so was pleasantly surprised to find out they retail for $5k/pair.
What’s interesting about the MoFi’s to me, apart from what I can assess from reviews/feedback on their sonic imprinting in select areas, is that they’re point sources from ~150Hz on up and that Andrew Jones is the mastermind behind the particular design choices made here (I still find the TAD CR1’s to be among, if not the best of the more compact, low efficiency speaker designs out there I’ve heard, but they are very expensive). A point source speaker has a lot going for it, though as always it’s about weighing compromises and whether what can be extracted from them appeals to you.
I’m happy to say that they are fine in my 13 x 11 x 9 room. Occasionally a note may hit the room’s resonant frequency and you’ll hear it, but it’s infrequent and doesn’t bother me. I’d also mention that my room is untreated.
Being point source speakers certainly makes integrating them within shorter listening distances easier.