Is there usually a dramatic difference between $5k and $10k cartridges ?

In top of the line or near top of the line system.


@luis223344 I have a lot of jazz/classical/rock mono records (hundreds). It was worth it to me to get another tonearm and a mono cartridge. Playing mono records with a true mono cartridge is so much better than playing them with a stereo cartridge and engaging a mono button. There’s better signal to noise ratio since the mono cartridge is insensitive to the vertical grooves that have no musical information (just adding noise otherwise).

Now whether or not it’s better for you to get a mono cartridge, or to upgrade from a $5k to $10k cartridge isn’t something I can answer, and I don’t know anything about the Miyajima Infinity cartridge

OP seems like a lot of $$$ to get a 2nd cartridge (mono) and another tonearm and possibly a tonearm cable for how many mono LPs? 🤔

If most of your listening is with stereo LPs then my choice would be to upgrade the stereo cartridge. But it's your system and choice. Do keep us updated. Enjoy your journey either way it will be fun.

Yes, Raul, I don't expect a simple answer, I am interested in discussion.

Perhaps it would be better in most cases to first seriously upgrade tonearm before even thinking about $10k plus cartridges. Not to mention table and phono stage.

mulveling, that's what I assumed. No guarantee, let alone "dramatic difference".

For some of us $5k difference is nothing but for many it is a lot.

Personally, I would not play this MC game and would seek out best vintage MM cartridges. But that's me.

Thank you @dwette that is the answer I was looking for. No speculation on my setup but confirming that the different/better experience with quality mono cart with my type of music. I will buy the Miyajima, or other good mono cart, then try it on my existing system. If that works, then add second quality tonearm. Expensive but fun hobby...It is great to find some that actually have made greater investments and sharing their experience.