Seeking a Power Conditioner

My system consists of the following:

  1. Martin Logan 11A Impression Loudspeaker (hybrid)
  2. Bryston 4B3 cubed power amp-300/channel into 8 and 500 into 4
  3. Bryston Bp-19 preamplifier
  4. Chord Qutest DAC with S Booster Linear power supply
  5. Lumin U2 mini streamer with LHY Linear power supply
  6. Read reviews on both Niagra 1200 & Puritan Audio PSM 156 power conditioners and the reviews were extremely positive. While reading I came accross a review of both products by Audio Science Review (ASR) who claims his reviews are objective with scientific data supplied and his reviews were not nearly as positive to say the least. Anybody have any thoughts on how I should proceed with the differing of opinions.  Thank you. 

marco1, not sure I would take advice from someone that can’t spell "wear "....



In reviewing the Puritan Audio PSM 156 on ASR, the author says "as always, we attempt to tease out the transfer function of the conditioner using normal audio level signals" and after many measurements with test signals concludes with "as you see, I have run a number of tests to give the PSM156 ample opportunity to show it can do something to improve audio but it can’t even move the dial one hair. There is no indication or logic that would tell us that it can make an audible improvement."

It is important to note that at no point was it mentioned that music was played through a system with and without the PSM 156 in the circuit. I don’t spend my hours of relaxation listening to test signals - I listen to music.  The ASR review failed to assess the impact on music reproduction. This is just pure nonsense - ignore them. 

Imagine doing a wine review as follows - samples of 5 wines are given to a reviewer in a blinded fashion labeled A, B, C etc.  The reviewer measures multiple variables including light transmission, specific gravity, residual sugar, salinity, and boiling point and determines the winner based on those measurements and concludes that the other wines can't possibly be as good based on their measurements.  At no point does the reviewer assess the bouquet of the wine nor taste it.  That is the ASR approach to audio - drinking Kool Aid, not wine.

The PSM 156, PS Audio PP12, and Accuphase PS-1250 all had a significant and positive effect on the sound of my audio system with blacker backgrounds, more detail and dynamics etc - as if a veil had been lifted between me and the music.


I need a power conditioner with 12 outlets. Seeking new and my budget is $4000.00 maximum. The only one that I have seen thus far is the Furman IT reference 15 amp version for $2500.00 retail. The Furman has a total of 11 outlets. It also has an isolation transformer. Does anybody have any experience with this item or anything else that might work?  Thank you.


  Need 12 outlets ? Yikes. All I know is Furman has been in the game a long time, and well respected. Good luck in your search.


I use Furman exclusively. The SMP feature is a very effective noise filter as well as excellent surge protection. Living in a lightning prone area that’s the only thing I can recommend for high end gear. In some places where I’ve lived I could definitely hear when it was not being used.

The isolation transformer is good, but I prefer to use the voltage regulation (AR) features like this unit. That keeps a solid voltage coming to my gear regardless of HVAC or seasonal usage, something an isolation transformer alone cannot do.
