Sonus Faber Upgrade worth it

Was wondering if it was worth upgrading from my Olympic Nova V to Serafino G2’s

Driving them with integrated amp, Luxman 509Z using Nordost connect and speaker wires


@ghdprentice +1

I actually own both sets of these very speakers in two locations and compared them directly at the dealer before I purchased either.

The Olympica Nova series are very good. The Serafino is better in every meaningful metric: more coherent, smoother and more resolving while retaining all the musicality. That is no knock against the Olympica which are fully competitive in their price range.The Serafino is better - as it should be for the increased cost. Whether it’s worth it to you, I can’t say. To me in my primary system - easily.

A couple of things to consider.

The Olympicas have a directional rear port. The Serafino’s do not. This may or may not have any impact for you depending on your room configuration.

The Serafino’s are deeper in profile. You may need to pull them a bit further out into the room (or not) depending on your configuration and how the back wave from the port reflects off your back wall (if applicable).

Even if you don’t bi-wire the speakers (not necessary IMO), you’ll benefit from upgrading the jumper that connects the other binding posts. The Serafino’s are plenty transparent enough to reveal the benefit of doing so.

To the bass challenges @blockdaddy21 experienced with them - I suspect a poor room interaction the dealer hadn’t resolved. Or, they were using a lower quality amp or one with a low damping factor. The bass on the Serafino is better than on the Olymplca when compared in the same room, same setup. Significantly so. And in my room, no subs are needed as I get support from the back port and am enjoying fairly flat performance down to about 30 hz. I want for nothing in the bass region.

Good luck and let us know what you decide.

In my experience, going up a line in a brand's offering yields improvements.  The Sara's are wonderful sounding speakers and will yield even more with a future amp  upgrade.  


I’m confused,

If you already own both sets of speakers and you have listened to both sets of speakers and the Serafino G2 sounds better to you, than what’s your question again?

BTW, I have the Amati G5’s and really enjoy them!