Really, don’t overthink it. The lifespan will be determined primarily by the amp’s operational parameters (bias, voltage), and quality of the tube. Enjoy your tube amp. Vintage tubes tend to be very good, and long lived. But these days, most of what’s left there are used and will have unknown hours (many???) on them already. Russian power tubes have been very good for me, but they do fail occasionally, and yes "spectacular" failures (catastrophic short) can happen and take out a resistor. Replace those tubes every 2000 hours, at most.
Some of the amps with individual tube bias pots can be run colder or hotter, to get either (maybe) more tube life or more "class A" respectively.
Don’t throw a blanket over a tube amp, but don’t bother with useless tube coolers either. You’d only need a fan if you’re sticking it in a cabinet.
Don’t leave it on for a few hours just to save an on/off cycle. Just turn it on when you’re ready to listen. Unlike some SS amps, it should be at its best in 10 minutes. Any hifi amp you have today should be starting the tube heaters up well in advance of the high voltage, so it’s a safe start for the tubes. You would be hard pressed to find a tube amp anywhere that doesn’t have SOME mechanism for soft start.