KEF R3 META or Dynaudio Special 40?

I am looking to replace my current office speakers (ML Motion 20i floorstander) with some standmounts. I like the ribbon tweeters on the MLs, especially for HT where I also have them, but I am looking for something with more sparkle for my office 2-channel rig. Amp is an Atoll in200 Sig integrated with a Node 2i for streaming and a Project Carbon Evo for vinyl. The office is small (10x10x9) and untreated (including the glass French doors). I will be treating in the future, but I mostly listen at low to medium volumes so it hasn't been a huge issue thus far. I am shopping the used market with a budget of ~$1500. Right now I am looking at two local options: new in box KEF R3 META ($1500) and Used Dynaudio Special 40 ($1400). The Dyns had a small dent in one tweeter that has been pulled out but you can still see an imperfection. Neither are available for demo. The Atoll has a warmer presentation. Have any of you AB’d the two with a similar amp? The tweeter imperfection in the Dynaudio is a bit concerning, but I wonder if there is any discernible effect. The tweeter can be replace for $350.


While I have little experience with Dyns, but a fair amount of time with KEF and KEF have a very analytical sound. I never found them to have a great deal of warmth.  My experience with Dyn is only at my local dealer, so maybe 2-3 hours and I found them to be a more natural sound. Let me be clear, I in no way am bashing KEF, but after a couple of years, I traded them in for Sonus Farbers.


All the best.

I guess it depends on setup. I’m using an Electrocompaniet 6 with cardas clear reflection and if I got anymore warmth out of my r3 metas I’d have to turn the furnace off.

Not really!.....Something tells me you were very very unjust with this monitor because the audiophile that you are heard the words ’yamaha’ and ’pro-monitor".

If you even have it, the exact hs8 model (the 8 inch model with the ab amp in it and acceptable cabinet volume.... not the littler crappier ones, hs5, etc) . treat it fairly and give it a front end, like a hifi preamp and hifi dac, the same that got used with dyning audio or your ls50 squawk box in the same position, same room,, because you ain’t rough mixing in the garage this time.

Also, the Yamahas are designed for near field monitoring, which is not what the original poster is looking for.

His room looks very nearfield, dont you think?. When he leaves the requisite 5 ft behind the monitors, he’s all nearfield with his 9 ft office room. (You never even read the hs8 manual, did you? If you even have one? Or thought you didn’t need to comply with the manual’s recommendation???) You can also use these in midfield or whatever field for ’audiophile’ listening.


🤣  Thank you...I really needed a good laugh today!



Not really!.....Something tells me you were very very unjust with this monitor because the audiophile that you are heard the words ’yamaha’ and ’pro-monitor".

If you even have it, the exact hs8 model (the 8 inch model with the ab amp in it and acceptable cabinet volume.... not the littler crappier ones, hs5, etc) . treat it fairly and give it a front end, like a hifi preamp and hifi dac, the same that got used with dyning audio or your ls50 squawk box in the same position, same room,, because you ain’t rough mixing in the garage this time.

Also, the Yamahas are designed for near field monitoring, which is not what the original poster is looking for.

His room looks very nearfield, dont you think?. When he leaves the requisite 5 ft behind the monitors, he’s all nearfield with his 9 ft office room. (You never even read the hs8 manual, did you? If you even have one? Or thought you didn’t need to comply with the manual’s recommendation???) You can also use these in midfield or whatever field for ’audiophile’ listening.

"If you even have it, the exact hs8 model (the 8 inch model"

🤣  Thank you...I really needed a good laugh today!

Hmmm....8" inch woofer, huh? Maybe that's why the call it the HS8 instead of the HS5 with the 5 inch woofer.