"I could also experiment more with power cords from the wall but this Purist works well,"
Unnecessary audionervosa.
I use a PPP. It's 18 years old. PS Audio refreshed it in 2020, and good for another 10 years. They no longer support it.
The output display ISN'T 100% accurate depending on the calibration of the output/ display. There's an adjustment pot underneath the unit to fine tune it, which is done at the factory to display 120V.
With a Google search and a MM it can be done, if you're a tinkerer. If you don't have experience with live circuit boards, best to just leave it be.
"Do you think that newer PS Audio P5 would be significantly better ?"
P5 is 2 generations old. Long discontinued. A newer PP isn't going to magically transform your system. If anything the psychological "new box" will be in play for a hot minute. Naturally, just my take on using a PP.