Not in front of–but you could try beside. Use one for the source, the other for the amps. Use same twin outlet. Also try direct to the receptacle with no conditioners.
This brings up a thought after reading the post.
I assume the output of the PS Audio regenerator is wired as a grounded AC power system. Therein NOT left floating. Floating...Therein two Hot ungrounded conductors with no reference to ground.
If the AC output is a grounded AC power system (which I hope it is) and not all audio equipment that, is connected together by wire interconnects, is fed from the regenerator, like say a power amp that is plugged directly into the wall out, are the two 120V power sources in phase with one another?
Simple test. Use a multimeter, (set meter on AC volts auto scale, or above 250Vac scale). Measure from a receptacle HOT contact (small slot) on the regenerator, to the HOT contact of the other receptacle of the wall duplex receptacle the regenerator is plugged into.
If the two 120Vac sources are in phase with one another you will measure zero Vac nominal. If the two 120Vac sources are out of phase with one another you will measure 240Vac nominal.