A question about tube rolling

Hi Ya’all,

At the ripe old age of 70, I have discovered tube rolling.

Up until now, I have simply been about getting good tubes, say Telefunken or GE or Siemens, stick ‘em in there, and phougheadaboudit

I bought a Pro-ject Tube Box DS2 because I just wasn’t getting what I thought I should be getting out of my Koetsu Onyx and Leopard from my Beard P505.

Out of the box (pun unintended), the Tube Box made an immediate improvement.

But, still not quite there. I looked at the tubes and they were unbranded. So I went shopping on eBay and found a pair of Telefunken red tips for $280.

It turns out that the seller lived a half hour away, and so he drove them over to me.

it also turns out that he had 10,000+ tubes - or so he says - in his basement. So he comes with the set that I paid for, and three other sets, and he leaves them with me.

As some of you know, I’m a cheap rat bastard who refuses to spend more than $0.50 on lamp wire for my speaker cable (ok I lied, I do have Monster cable). So even though he explains that he’s got exotic Valvos and Teslas and who knows what else, costing up to $1,900 a pair, I stick to a $500 ceiling ‘cause … I’m a cheap rat bastard … and there’s also that law of diminishing returns sorta thing.

A week later, he brings me four more sets.

One of those sets cost $800. And they sound, well better (although there was a situation where a $50 tube that he brought for me to put in one of the line stages of the Beard sounded better than the $250 one.).

I have listening sessions once a week, so I got my guests involved one evening. I used David Crosby’s “Laughing” from “If Only I Could Remember My Name” and we listened to it over and over, with each of the four sets of tubes, and I explained to them what to listen for in the bass guitar line, the pedal steel at the top, Crosby’s voice, the chorus (and particularly if Joni Mitchell’s and Steven Stills voice were distinctly recognizable as THEIR voices, with nuanced inflection, not just voices separated out but not of any distinct characterization), the acoustic depth and colorations around each voice and instrument, if everything was planted in a specific location on the soundstage, and last but not least, the size - width, breadth and height - of the stage. Then I asked them to pick the set that they liked best and to explain why, according to each of the parameters.

They had so much fun doing that, that going forward I will be keeping tubes of different signatures just to do these exercises with new guests, as they volunteered after the listening sessions that they felt that they learned to hear in a way that they never considered before.

Which was exactly the point of the exercise.

But I digress.

The tube guy said he had some more tubes to try out.

This time I say “Ok. Hit me with your best shot. Throw the very best pair of tubes you have at me. Just sock-it-to-me! (There I just dated myself). And just don’t tell me what they cost!”

So he comes with five sets. Some are really interesting, they have … getters? And one is that best shot. And one is a set that he says are a little weird but he thinks that they will work.

So, up until now, I have been able to hear differences in each set. And some are better, some worse, some do some things better, some do other things better, some are just different.

Of the five, I just go straight for that best shot.

Holy. Efffing. Crap.

Let me say that again, for effect.

Holy. Effing. Crap.

I had thought that my system was up there. And, well, it is: one can say that it is detailed, precise, deep, exciting, dramatic.

This is now… I guess the words I would use are true, and honest…and effortless. Whatever it is, it’s a whole other level.

I did not think that just one pair of 12AX7s or ECC83s could make such a humongous difference.

They are from 1957, and cost twice as much as the Tube Box that they are going in

So, the question is …. There was to be a question, remember? It says so right up there at the top, in the subject line. The question is: I guess I know the answer. Let me put it this way: has anyone had a similar nirvana-like experience just from upgrading tubes, and should I be paying these kinds of prices for them?


mulveling and others, including me, are of course objectively correct, but this doesn't seem to be the point. The man wants to keep his current phono stage and bring out the best out of it. This means best tubes, and power cord can be important too.

It somewhat reminds me of my situation with the cartridge. Instead of buying quite expensive tubes and cables I probably should've first replaced my Goldring 1042 with something like Kiseki Purple Heart or Lyra. But then I would have to upgrade my VAC's onboard phono stage, which would be another $1.5k or so for a good used one plus another power cord plus another interconnect. And whatever I do with my system, that modest cartridge plays better and better. And my tapes decks as well. So I will keep the Goldring until and if I am ready for additional thousands of audiophile expenses.

@inna sort of nails it. I’m just staying with this for now and if Trump fails to crash the world economy within four years, which after the sheer chaos of just the last four weeks makes me doubt the wisdom of spending even on these tubes, I may - may - be willing to spend more money.

I really didn’t post this to get into a discussion about the other parts of the system, which can be seen at the bottom of the ‘about’ page here: theaudioatticvinylsundays.com. I am sure that if we go down that rabbit hole, someone(s) will have a problem with the Altec Lansing 604C speakers, or the Beard P505 preamp (I’m running the Pro-ject through the tuner line stage), or the VPI table, or the Sumiko MMT arm, certainly the BBE sonic maximizers etc. Someone once had a problem even with my NYAL Futtermans, even though Stereophile did a gushing review of them 5 years ago, claiming that they may be the best amps ever, certainly among the top 5

My point was simple: I used to think: get good Telefunkens, RCA, GE, Mullard tubes at a not unreasonable price and call it a day. The Pro-ject came with crap tubes. I bought some Telefunkens from Brian, he as luck would have it happens to live a half hr away, I drove over to pick them up, he says what about these, these, and these, he lets me take them home as loaners, we do this again in another week but he brings them over and he hears for himself, then we do that again, and again and then we have built up some trust and I say wtf throw the best tubes you have at me, he drops off 5 pairs …. And ONE of those pairs was WOW. And I never thought that tubes actually could justify those kinds of prices and could make that kind of difference. I was wrong. Hearing is believing. This one pair made a huge difference, and some of the others are significantly better than the Telefunkens that I started with.

So, this is a new world for me.

@wsrrsw don’t get me started on speaker wire/cable connects 😂 . I have tried over half a dozen expensive cables costing between $500 to $2,000. They made almost no difference, at best they sounded a teeny bit different and certainly not appreciably better, and even much more certainly the price in no way justified it. Some of you undoubtedly have seen my snark about taking chain link fencing, attaching the ends to RCA plugs and connecting up my system with that and getting …. Excellent results! Jon Specter, who converted my Futtermans to triode, also says not to waste money on cable, put it somewhere else.

Thank you to all who have participated on this thread



The prices on tube phono stages seem to go from $500 to $2,000 and then jump way up.

audio research: $12,000.

that’s 35% of what I have spent on the entire system.

I've actually bought tubes from this guy's eBay store. What I purchased was definitely legit. He is somewhat new on eBay I do believe. I do agree that finding a trustworthy tube dealer is worth paying a little bit of a premium. 

ValvesNmore is another place I've bought a handful of tubes recently that aren't the best deal in town but they are what he says they are and tested for noise. Trustworthy. I mentioned him because of the tubes but also he has a DIY phono preamp his customers seem to love. Although I can think of a couple DIY preamps known to be good. I haven't built the TubesNmore/MellowToneKits phono but I've built two of their preamp kits & some extra PCB boards to build some other ideas. Good people with GREAT build videos on YouTube for their kits. I have no affiliation with them. The Pro-ject phono could be superior sounding though..I have no idea. 

All right one of my comments was removed. Again.

I've about had it with audiogon.