@oberoniaomnia Regarding cables, all you need to know is the capacitance, the inductance, the purity, and the quality of the terminal connectors, and the method in which the wire is meld with the connector. You think these things, on an individual level and as a whole don’t matter to the sound? That’s a tough pill to swallow.
Silver is 6% faster than copper, you think that doesn’t change the sound?
@devinplombier I have evidence, straight from Erin’s mouth that clearly stated he cannot hear a difference between any neutral sounding amplifier. Imbecile or not. I am not surprised. At least Erin has the balls to admit it.
It is in this video. Forgive me I forgot the exact timestamp. He stated the only reason he heard a difference between said tube amp vs his neutral amplifier was because the tube amp was not neutral. He also stated he cannot hear a difference between 2 neutral amplifiers. As we all know, an amplifier contributes to the sound much more than how neutral or not neutral it is. And if said reviewer only relies on the neutrality to spot a difference, well that's bad. But at least he admits his limit which I can respect.