Morning All, thanks for continuing to educate me ... couple of points:
1) I put in the GAIAs since my wife was complaining about the artwork in the adjacent room shaking, and I had to remove the floor vibration, it had definitely helped and I dont think it'll be a good idea to remove (to keep the wife off of my back) :)
2) I agree that my room is less than ideal (but with three middle school kids, I have what I have :)) . I have walls on north and east side, with west side with three large bay windows and south side with a set of French doors. I did put in sound dampening on the north side wall which has helped remove some of the sloppiness in the sound. I was infact researching and probably will call a local acoustic company for some consultation and see if they can help me in making my listening room non reflective, which I know for a fact would definitely help
3) I had not thought about the speaker cable since they did cost me a pretty penny , but I can give that a try too
4) On the recommendation around the sound characteristics I am after, 90% of the music I listen to is classical (non operatic), blues, jazz, strong vocals. But every now and then when my girls join me in the listening room, we listen to a little Taylor Swift :). I am really after a typical class A / tube like warm sound which I have heard from a few class A/B amps that have a class A lean