The Taihang can be positioned near the equipment, but please note that spike shoes are not included in the package. We ship to Canada via FedEx or DHL by air with tracking. Feel free to reach out to me at for further assistance.
Each outlet is capable of delivering 15A. However, the actual limit depends on the wall socket's current capacity, which typically ranges from 13A to 20A, as well as the total power draw of all equipment connected to the Taihang.
For example, the following equipment are connected to the Taihang, with their respective operating currents:
- CDT 1.5A
- DAC 1.0A
- Preamp 1.5A
- Power Amp 8A
The total current delivered by the Taihang will be 12A. However, during peak moments—such as when the music demands higher wattage from the power amp—the current consumption may briefly spike to around 13A. The Taihang is designed to handle such instantaneous surges without issue.
Hope this helps!
Many thanks,
Alvin Chee @ Vinshine.Audio