Best $10-15K bookshelf speaker?

Magico A-1, Focal Sopra No. 1, TAD Me1?

Wife demands a small speaker no more than $15K.


I demoed the TAD ME1 a couple of times when I was thinking of a bookshelf. I had a similar bookshelf list. The TAD uses beryllium, which is very detailed, but you need a bit of warmth to the system for beryllium. I liked the ME1 over the others on the OP's list. However, TAD bothered me when they dropped the price to $10k and then a month or 2 later went back to the $15k (with stands) price.

If I were to get another bookshelf it would be the Yamaha NS3000. I own the NS5000 "bookshelf" and the very detailed drivers on that are preferred over beryllium. Only issue is that if you are in the USA you need to buy from Canada.

NS-3000 – Custom Home Automation Solution, Entertainment Systems (price is $CAN)

Absolute best sound speaker - Wavetouch audio Antero speaker.

Compare Antero sound to Magico A-1, Focal Sopra No. 1, TAD Me1 below

Alex/Wavetouch audio


    Magico - Jay’s voice is perfectly natural. So, this is honest A1 sound.

    Focal - People’s voice sound great in recording. So, this is real #1 sound.

    TAD - Accuphase + DCS.