Becoming Led Zepplin is awesome, see it on the big screen.

If you are a Zep fan, music lover or music history buff, you need to see this documentary. They did a ton of research and uncovered amazing music history content, all of which I have never seen before. The early concert performace footage is simply astonishing. It is one of the best researched and presented documentary films I have ever seen. The genius of Led Zepplin is clearly explained and exposed. 


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I saw this yesterday at an IMAX theater. I thought it was excellent with superb sound. The early concerts on film are mesmerizing. The commentary by each of the members (Bonham by old interview tapes) is revelatory and will reward even the most diehard Zep fans with tidbits of heretofore unknown information. This is a don't dare miss this movie for any fan of Zepplin or just plain old rock n roll.

Sadly only 1/10th of the theater was occupied. This movie will not remain in theaters for long.