What did you think of the difference between the Wood and the Master?
@dwette The the extra mass (especially in platter) definitely makes a positive difference - in both sonics, and the fact that I’ve experienced (sometimes) woofer flapping with the Compact and Wood but NOT the Master, despite ALL kinds of thrashing with loud music :) The Innovations (Compact / Wood / Master) share very similar sound signature - super clean midband, superb detail, pristine & smooth treble, clean bass - while remaining quite musical. The bearings are all dead quiet and smooooth. The Master just seems extra dynamic and powerful.
I also have SOTAs I like quite a bit - Nova V, Cosmos IV - they’re a tad warmer and "fuzzier" sounding than Clearaudios (sometimes this warmth is nice), very musical, and have GREAT isolation built in (especially Cosmos). I like them a lot. But the best sounding source I’ve ever had is Master / FR64S / Koetsu Blue Lace Diamond - decisively so. The FR64S can’t fit on a SOTA, only the lighter FR64fx, and these things do make a difference.
At times I’ve thought about selling the Master, since the SOTAs seem to get quite close, but at the end of the day - no, I just can’t! I’m certain I would regret it too much. The build is exceptional and it’s a gorgeous statement table. You know what, I just amped myself up again on how much I love it lol.
mulveling, why did you choose Clearaudio turntable ? Did you compare with other brands ? There is quite a choice at this level.
12 years ago I was looking for something different / better than my old SOTA Star and decided to buy new through my local dealer. Limited to what they had, the Innovation Compact that really clicked with me. I liked its fast, detailed, lively sound. And I love the looks of this series. So I decided to go one up to the Wood. After I bought that, the dealer got a Master for the floor, and one for his home. Then 5 years later I moved up to the "floor" Master. My dealer also had Transrotors and Pro-Jects (absolutely NOT) and in the past had VPIs. I don’t know what came over me to try VPIs a couple years back, but I did and it was fun for a minute but that ended quickly - back to SOTAs and the Master Innovation.