Resolution Audio Opus Players?

Lately,these players are appearing for sale and I am in the market to purchase a new digital player. I know it has been around for sometime.Is there a new player on the horizon from Resolution Audio? Have tastes changed for something Sony 5400,Playback Designs,computer audio? Is there a update to this player or is it old news?


Laser expected life span only 5 yrs? I have a Micromega Stage 6 cd player that is about 13 yrs old (purchased new for about $1000) and fairly heavily used. It is still going strong, never had any laser failure issue.

Compare this to today's megabuck players having laser problems within only a few yrs. Isn't it a money earning strategy for some manufacturers to leave weak points in their products just to guarantee them additional income in the future?
Thanks,guys for all the great responses.There's alot to research on the Revelation Opus 21 on 'Gon. It's still one of those great digital players after all these years and that speaks volumes about it's worthiness as a digital front end.It's not always the easiest decision to choose a
digital front end because it's in such a constant evolutionary state.I have no problem purchasing "used" as like most of us on 'Gon I have saved countless dollars and found equipment that I would not otherwise been able to afford or was willing to spend those amounts on. I also have interest in the supposedly new APL DAC that "might" be in production soon.Thanks,again, for all the replys!!

Kind Regards
I belive EARLY Opus 21 players had some transport issues. The problem has been resolved many years ago. IMO Opus 21 is still an outstanding CDP, and @ 1800 s/h a bargain.

Its cool feature is a spdif digital input that accepts 24/96 signals, which can be used to connect your Sqeezebox.
FWIW, I paid $2,400 for one a year old in March 2006 and have played CD's in it frequently since then with no signs of any problems. I hadn't noticed the price used had fallen so far. If I could find a fully Modded unit for even the same price I paid for the stock unit I'd think seriously about it. The Digital Input was a neccesity for me wishing to run my PC and DVD Player thru my Two Channel System. Finding one already refurbished would be wise that or bargaining the price as low as possible with an eye toward the evidently inevitable.