Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade



Yes it’s quite a complicated whose-who with the Garrard franchise over the years…


Swindon was in the past a great base for everything ‘round’

Great Western Railways and the train maintenance centre,

Garrard turntables,

And (notorious for unsuspecting visitors) the confusing ‘’Magic Roundabout’’

Americans will not ‘get’ the last part and the joke, but UK drivers who experience it for the first time know what a ride it can be !!


Not a very logical roundabout for the faint hearted and even more logical to avoid it!

I remember it well from my driving test!

Just next to it on the north side is the Plessey/Garrard factory - or was!


I circumspectly circumnavigated this monstrosity which needs circumscribing, when I was last in the UK.

Ok, I am used to roundabouts - after all Canberra is the renowned capital of roundabouts in Australia. Try a 2-km circumference! One near me merges major roads into an interstate highway. Unfortunately it is not round, more oblong. About once a year a truck coming from the side would find the curve tightening, and fall over. So now there are 18 sets of traffic lights, on the one roundabout.

Anyone got a copy of the torture track that Plessey had as its logo?

This one?

That was visible on the side of their factory from the Magic Roundabout (until I left Wiltshire in 1976). They later went more minimalist still:

It’s actually more representative of the letters than my wife’s signature.


That's the one!

I had never seen the digital version until your post.  No doubt, the analog one sounds better!