Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade


I remember it well from my driving test!

Just next to it on the north side is the Plessey/Garrard factory - or was!


I circumspectly circumnavigated this monstrosity which needs circumscribing, when I was last in the UK.

Ok, I am used to roundabouts - after all Canberra is the renowned capital of roundabouts in Australia. Try a 2-km circumference! One near me merges major roads into an interstate highway. Unfortunately it is not round, more oblong. About once a year a truck coming from the side would find the curve tightening, and fall over. So now there are 18 sets of traffic lights, on the one roundabout.

Anyone got a copy of the torture track that Plessey had as its logo?

This one?

That was visible on the side of their factory from the Magic Roundabout (until I left Wiltshire in 1976). They later went more minimalist still:

It’s actually more representative of the letters than my wife’s signature.


That's the one!

I had never seen the digital version until your post.  No doubt, the analog one sounds better!

This is the 149th post about a plinth that no one of us owns or ever heard. God bless Audiogon.