Thanks for the info on port plugging. I wonder is sealed stand mounted would be better with the subs?
I forgot about the REL calculator. I will check it out.
Bookshelf speaker pairing with subwoofer
I have a pair of REL Ti9 subs in my dedicated listening room which is 12 x 17. I am looking for a pair of bookshelf speakers that would pair well with the subs. Searching on my own and watching reviews has made a choice even worse. So many to choose from. I mostly listen to jazz and blues with some classic rock thrown in. I have a good SACD collection and several dsd files. There are no audiophile stores close to me.
Any input would be appreciated.
jern loudspeakers mate exceptionally well with rel in fact they make a damping plate for rel
Dave and Troy Audio intellect NJ jern importers |