Viridian, I think the salespeople at my online retailer told me that my stylus might even last up to 3,000 hours because of what you've said about its shape. Anyway, now that I know I can send it in and have a new stylus put on for about $400 to $500?, I'll have it retipped. If it gets up toward $1,000, I might reconsider. My online dealer will give me a 20% discount on a trade in. I have a Clearaudio Maestro (1200 hours?) sitting around that I could use in the meantime. It sounded great, too. A bit more bloom than the EMT.
I must admit that being an audiophile is not easy because most people look at me as if I'm crazy, spending $2K on cartridges and $18K on speakers. I have a Hovland Radia amp that is 20 years old and I was worried about its deterioration. I was lucky enough to have access to Bob Hovland, the designer and manufacturer. He looked it over and said it was to spec. Less than $500. My wife still thought that was too much because it wasn't broken. But it is one hell of an amp.