One box solution

Hello Everyone, 

I finally hit a wall with my health, I am almost 72 and have to downsize and move to a facility. It’s a very nice place but a lot smaller and my current set up can’t go so it’s all going in to storage. 

I am looking for a one box solution, the Naim Uniti Atom comes to mind but I am looking for better if that’s possible. My budget is 15k or less and has to have a remote, I don’t get around so good. Actually need bookshelf type speaker suggestions too…so 15k or less for speakers and 15k or less for a all in one intergrated…I will only stream so the box needs to have a Dac and everything built in, airplay,and Quboz…maybe the Uniti Atom is the best solution but was hoping for something better…thanks..



@silverfoxvtx1800 So sorry to hear of this life change. My great hope is you can continue to enjoy music where you are headed. Your “ modest “ system must have sounded fantastic. I live part of the year in South Seattle - hopefully can have you visit for dinner and music.

 Hawthorne is a great idea as would be contacting Eric at Gig Harbor Audio for consignment. If you put things into storage, i and fellow music cronies from Olympia Music group can help you market the gear or get it to dealers who can including TMR and Echo in Portland. 

Finally, you might be surprised by what a NAIM atom can do, i run Apogee Centaur minor with mine… it’s not my reference system… but it’s quite good. Headphones are better left for another discussion.. Please do reach out w a PM.


If donating remeber this, Goodwill is a for profit business, Find a local charity that would benefit from your generousity. The salary of a Goodwill CEO varies by location and role, but generally ranges from $55,000 to $743,000 per year. The Goodwill Board of Directors determines the salary of the national CEO. Just Google it. Good Luck with your next system.

@tomic601 Thanks Jim, 

I will give Eric a shout when I get settled and talk about what he can do for me with a different system.. moving is real pain lots of loose ends..

If you can do floorstanding then the Kef LS60 are a pretty perfect all in one solution.

@travelinjack yes I was definitely considering those..will have to get in there and see how much room I have…