One box solution

Hello Everyone, 

I finally hit a wall with my health, I am almost 72 and have to downsize and move to a facility. It’s a very nice place but a lot smaller and my current set up can’t go so it’s all going in to storage. 

I am looking for a one box solution, the Naim Uniti Atom comes to mind but I am looking for better if that’s possible. My budget is 15k or less and has to have a remote, I don’t get around so good. Actually need bookshelf type speaker suggestions too…so 15k or less for speakers and 15k or less for a all in one intergrated…I will only stream so the box needs to have a Dac and everything built in, airplay,and Quboz…maybe the Uniti Atom is the best solution but was hoping for something better…thanks..



If donating remeber this, Goodwill is a for profit business, Find a local charity that would benefit from your generousity. The salary of a Goodwill CEO varies by location and role, but generally ranges from $55,000 to $743,000 per year. The Goodwill Board of Directors determines the salary of the national CEO. Just Google it. Good Luck with your next system.

@tomic601 Thanks Jim, 

I will give Eric a shout when I get settled and talk about what he can do for me with a different system.. moving is real pain lots of loose ends..

If you can do floorstanding then the Kef LS60 are a pretty perfect all in one solution.

@travelinjack yes I was definitely considering those..will have to get in there and see how much room I have…

I don't have a suggestion but I wanted to say kudos to @silverfoxvtx1800 for keeping the fire burning.  Best wishes and I hope you find something that makes you smile every day.  Cheers