Talk me out of buying Monoblocks and into a stereo amp instead

I am planning on buying a McIntosh system. It is a system I have been wanting a very long time. No need to suggest any other brand... I am set on this one.

I am going to get the CP 12000 preamp for sure. However, I can’t decide between a pair of MC611’s monoblocks or the MC-462 stereo amp. It seems like for $6k, the mono blocks are not much more in price and I get a lot more audio for the extra $6k.

Talk me out of buying the monoblocks! Tell me your experience if you had both? Do you like stereo amps better after owning monoblocks? Tell me why.


Mono blocks are for very demanding speakers in very large rooms.  You are talking about a practical way to deliver massive quantity, not necessarily quality.  

Not necessarily.  I know that there are, and have been, some way low powered SET monoblocks designed to drive extremely efficient speakers.  As for myself, the monoblocks that I owned were ARC VTM 120s that were only rated at 100 wpc but they sounded great, and I sometimes think that they sounded better than the comparably powered stereo amp I replaced them with.  As a matter of fact, I'd still own those ARCs if they were not so unreliable and when I flipped the switches I never knew whether I would be listening to music or soldering in new grid resistors.  

If you get the stereo amp now, you will always wonder how much better the mono's are....  

I always say if you have room and money go the best sounding period..But until in your room how much more will you hear and guess how good of hearing do you have to really hear the difference... Bring them both home and tell us what you think of stereo amp vs Mono ??? Good Luck and please let us know..


Others in this thread have adequately described the benefits and risks of monos vs stereos, so I will not be somniferously redundant.  Rather, I will ask you to open your mind and ears to some points to consider.   The 462 has independent power supplies but in one chassis.  The 611s will give independent chassis and more power.  The only way to determine if the theoretical benefits of monoblocks, which is in part reduced by the 462 power supply design, is to audition.  If you are a fan of the Mac sound, that’s great.  I am not.  But if you have the wherewithal for the additional spend on the monos plus additional cable, there is a high probability you will get better performance from a stereo amp at the 16k - 20k range.  Did you consider this and audition other stereo amps at that price point.  If you consider a preowned stereo amp at that price point you will possibly elevate SQ even further.  The only way to determine what is better is to investigate alternatives and audition.  


I was in the exact same position you were two years ago. I ended up purchasing a pair of MC 611s and C2700. I auditioned the MC 462 with the C2700, but the 611s were slightly better. In hindsight, I wish I had purchased the MC 462 and C12000. I love the McIntosh sound, looks, performance, and brand, and I thought this would be my endgame system.

A big, however, and I know you don't want to hear this, but I just auditioned the new Soulution 331 integrated. Its retail price is equal to the total of the MC 611 and C12000. I will soon be moving away from my beloved MAC system. To put this into perspective, I have roughly $30K retail of cabling/conditioning feeding my MACs. My current system was shamed by how the Soulution 331 performed. I still can't unhear what that integrated did with a measly just over 100-watt specification. 

I wish someone had given me this advice before purchasing my system. It would have saved me a bunch of $$ in the long run.

Best of luck on your journey!