Talk me out of buying Monoblocks and into a stereo amp instead

I am planning on buying a McIntosh system. It is a system I have been wanting a very long time. No need to suggest any other brand... I am set on this one.

I am going to get the CP 12000 preamp for sure. However, I can’t decide between a pair of MC611’s monoblocks or the MC-462 stereo amp. It seems like for $6k, the mono blocks are not much more in price and I get a lot more audio for the extra $6k.

Talk me out of buying the monoblocks! Tell me your experience if you had both? Do you like stereo amps better after owning monoblocks? Tell me why.


I'll likely never go back to stereo amp, I'll take individual power supplies, transformers over shared all day.

@jeffreyw how do you feel about a c 12000 preamp sound compared to the system you are switching to? 


The C12000 sounded beautiful in the system I listened to. However, my MAC system cannot compete with the Solution 331. It is not even close. The Soulution was paired with Magico A5s. I love McIntosh, but they are not in the same league. What came out of the Magicos was an eerily present performance. I read one review where the reviewer stated that the "331 produced sounds that made him turn his head and thought it was an artifact in the room." He eloquently stated what I heard, but I could not put this into my own words. 

Solution is more analytical and less warm than MacIntosh. This sound may not be to your liking, but it has made me rethink what I find important in musical presentation. 

Again, some context here.  

If you have 90db sensitivity speakers in a medium sized room, a robust 200 WPC stereo amp is more than enough.  

If you have 84db 2 ohm min load large tower speakers in an extra large room, mono blocks are a practical way to get more power.