Why did you purchase the equipment you have and what do you like most about it?

I’m just interested on how and why you purchased your gear. Did you hear it first? Did you research it endlessly? Did your dealer recommend it. What do you like most about it. Full disclosure. I’m with Infigo Audio. I just wonder how did most of us end up with our kits!


@drbarney1 great post. Build with purpose. Research equipment and have make moves accordingly.  Exactly what I did with my stuff. Hans at Infigo used to work for the guys that invented the Ess Sabre chip.  

This is a fun topic. Thank you to everyone who shared their inspiration and outcome. As I read so many people talking about dealers, it reminded me of the used hi-fi shop where I went to buy a stereo for my first apartment (late 70s). I was asking about some consumer brand receiver. The young sales kid said, yeah that's fine. I followed up his noncommittal response with a what else is there? He pointed to a Tandberg they had repaired and said, this is a whole other level. And thus it began...

My Ideon EOS dac had been the only thing I've listened to before purchase. 

I have always loved music and worked on improving my car systems in high school and had my LXI Series all in one floor standing system that I lusted over for quite a while in the ol Sears catalog.  I had my Bose period in my 20s when I had the AM-5 home theater system.  Next I got a pair of Cerwin Vegas from Crutchfield and was like, what the hell!!  Where was all this sound with my Bose speakers??  haha   Later I got what I consider my first hi-fi pieces, a demo B&K preamp and some entry level Platinum Audio speakers.  I tried a variety of amps and ended up with a Parasound HCA 2200ii.  That kept my happy for several years and then I was curious of tubes and almost exactly 8 years ago I picked up some Audio Research Classic 120 monos here on Audiogon.  I did basically no research but loved the idea of mono blocks and they looked super cool.  From there I got an Audio Research preamp and phono...both from the same era.  I spent the next 6.5 years upgrading through their lineup with several models to end up with what is basically their latest lineup, sans MkII and SE models.  I picked up some Wilson Audio speakers also about 6 years ago so my system has come a long way that brings me so much enjoyment.  I do not have a dealer near me so was never able to audition anything....everything purchased used...if I didn't like it or when it was time to upgrade, I sell it and buy the next piece.  It is a lot of fun and sometimes a little stressful when things aren't selling.  One of my faults is being a bit too autonomous to the point where it is very difficult to let someone help me on a project.  I'm not sure if I had the money and lived near a dealer if I would have done it any differently.  I am picking up my next speaker contender on Wednesday....love it!