As has been stated digital conversion seems like a solved problem, but I am not qualified to make that assertion. The impact of non DAC circuitry has been evident to me since my first "real" DAC, a Bel Canto with the then recently developed picosencond superclock and competent output stage. I moved on, but not because I ever perceived something wrong.
But to me much of the measurement misses the point even if it screens out the truly bad. My hearing rolls off at 14khz and I have a small dip between 2-4 kHz in one ear from a minor diving injury. My end state is a Trinnov despite the fact that by modern standards it has a poorly measuring DAC at about a 90db s/n. However I get excellent room correction and the ability to use different base curves for frequency response. That matters more to me perceptually.
As has been said many times in various places, the analog portion of the signal chain, post DAC analog stages, amps, speakers, listening space to perception, is vastly more complex, lossy, and variable than what is coming out of the D/A stage. But not all DACs are created equal either and s/n and imd tests aren’t really definitive for me.