The last thing you want to do is get an EE involved. You don't need to be an engineer to listen to music. That being said, there's only one way to handle the situation responsibility. When it comes to power products, you have no idea what will happen when you put something in the system. If you hear a difference, it may not be for the better. All of the recommendations you get here are well meaning and honest, but you just can't rely on someone else's opinion. Give the exact same component to 5 different people and you will get 5 different opinions.
If you live in the US, you should call The Cable Company. They're the biggest high end cable and assessor retailer there is. They keep demo units of everything they sell. So, if you want to buy a new power conditioner, for example, call them and go over your system. They'll make 4 or 5 recommendations and send them to you all at once. Listen to them for a couple of weeks and only make a purchase if you find something that's worth paying for.
One thing I can tell you for certain is you have a fairly complicated system. You're mixing HT and 2 channel, and from a power standpoint, you're going to have some surprises. For example, you may think a new conditioner is going to make a big difference only to find out a power cord for your DVD player does the most good. That's why you have to try everything first.