Tube Pre/ Class D Amp - Who has done it?

Open forum for those who have actually tried this.  Really curious to know who has been happy, or maybe unhappy, with a tube preamp driving a Class D amplifier?

Of course, tube pre with a solid state amp is a classic pairing for hard to drive speakers, especially ESL's.   This is a little different.   I'm really curious to know what pres and Class D amps have had great synergy.


I’ve run various tube preamps into Class D amps and consider Class D just like any other solid state amp wrt compatibility with a tube preamp or linestage. 
I had the matching set of battery powered pre and power amps from Veloce Audio (LS-1 pre and Saetta hybrid monoblocks with 6h30 tubes and Hypex power module), also run tube preamps with PS Audio M700s. Never had an issue. I think Class D has come a long way since the early days. I’d like to try a GaN Class D next up, maybe one from Atma-Sphere. 

I have had my Canor Hyperion P1 Pre paired with most of the AGD Monos and also a VAC Master paired with AGD Duets specifically driving some Cantons. I have also used NAD and Primare Class Ds with the Hyperion.  All of the combos were excellent.  

Like any preamp, amp combination you need to look at the impedance, gain and voltage to make sure the equipment is matched well.  If you have a good match, it will sound great assuming that sound profile meets your needs.  

I’ve had terrible luck trying to get anything resembling music when pairing Class D amps to my tube preamp. I tried the PS Audio M700 monoblocks and the Orchard Audio Starkrimson Ultra. The M700 monoblocks sounded so dry and brittle I literally felt repulsed after listening to it, I couldn’t sell that thing fast enough. The Starkrimson was a definite step up in clarity...but was not to my taste. Admittedly I prefer the sound of tubes as I like bit of coloration. I dont like dark, dry or neutral sounding gear. But I haven’t given up. Excited to try Atma-Sphere Class D amps and the AGD Audio MKIII. I have a feeling they might change my mind.


Interesting observation. What is your preamp and other components? Otherwise it is hard to put your comments in context. Thanks.